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Snapshot Storage Scope Data Acquisition Software

Snapshot Storage Scope is easy to use, menu driven digital storage oscilloscope software for the IBM PC/XT/AT and Compatibles. It is designed for users whose primary needs are real time collection, display and storage of analog data. Unlike other software packages, Snapshot can both acquire and display data in virtual real time. Capabilities include digital or analog triggered acquisitions of up to 16 channels, display of any 8 channels with dual cursor readouts, time and magnitude readouts in engineering units, channels labels, X and Y zooming and offset, QA/D, D/A and digital output, selective recording of data to disk and regraphing stored data. Minimum, maximum and the average of a waveform is calculated. Successive waveforms can be averaged to reduce noise.

Snapshot Storage Scope requires no programming. Commands and parameters are issued through simple menus and the software always displays the range of acceptable answers for each parameter and provides instant feedback for the current parameter entry. User defined files quickly specify the setup parameters. Both the display and data files list the necessary set up parameters such as the number of points collected, sampling rate, date, time, title, sweep time and sensitivity of each channel. Data file options include exponential and compressed formats. Users can store either continuous sets of data or selected "snapshots" of data.

Snap FFT is a frequency spectrum analysis software package that converts time domain data acquired with Snapshot to the frequency domain using a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithm. Easy to use, Snap-FFT is menu driven and requires no programming. It calculates amplitude and phase for 4 channels of data. The amplitude ratio of any two sets of channels and the difference in phase angle is also calculated to provide the transfer function, impedance, transmissibility and frequency response for various disciplines. The power spectral density is specified along with the relative power within specified frequency bands. The results can be either in a graphic format and can be displayed on a screen stored on a disk or sent to a printer. Graphs can be plotted on either a linear or log (bode) format. The Snap-FFT user can select a portion of the time data to be analyzed in the frequency domain as well as the starting point and the number of points to be analyzed. Menu selections are used to change the analysis parameters. The user can save menu settings and then recall them to quickly rerun the various sets of data.

Snap-Calc is a software package to analyze and display acquired test data. Its mathematical operations include calculation of arithmetic, trigonometric, calculus, logic, correlation and statistical functions. In addition, Snap-Calc analyzes waveforms and not just single data points to enable a large amount of data to be processed quickly. Equations are defined in an easily understood algebraic manner.

Prices for Snapshot Storage Scope software start at $495.

To get the Snapshot Storage Scope software demo, download now.

If you have any questions, please call our Data Acquisition Engineers at 1.800.DAS-IEEE (1.800.327.4333) OMEGAfax service. Call 1.800.848.4271 (or 203.359.7884) from any touch-tone phone, and request document #6150.

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